Ransomware continues to become more and more profitable for cybercriminals—in fact, they raked in over $1 billion in illicit profits in 2023 alone by using this form of malware. Despite temporary downturns in ransomware profits due to law enforcement interventions, cybercriminals continue to innovate and adapt, unleashing sophisticated attacks that target a wide range of […]

Valentine’s Day, a time for celebrating love and affection, also serves as an opportunistic period for cybercriminals to prey on unsuspecting individuals. While you’re busy planning romantic surprises or finding the perfect gift, it’s crucial to remain vigilant against cyber scams that can tarnish this special day.  In this blog, we’ll walk you through five […]

Are you keeping up with the latest developments in IT? While it can be easy to write off tech trends as gimmicks, it’s important to track which innovations offer you real value.  The symbiotic relationship between technology and commerce shows no signs of waning. To thrive in this dynamic landscape, it’s imperative to not just […]

Establishing a financial blueprint for the course of the new year is pivotal to fostering growth for your business. As you anticipate the resources necessary to navigate your business through 2024, it’s essential to craft a budget that not only addresses immediate needs but also scales with your aspirations. With a notable uptick in IT […]

2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year in cybersecurity—have you given it any thought yet? With the integration of artificial intelligence into the technology landscape, both the complexity of cyber threats and the sophistication of security solutions are escalating. Your awareness and preparedness can make a crucial difference to your business. Security professionals […]

IT blogs are usually about determining the pedigree of a given IT company. What do they offer? How do they perform? What makes them different? It’s easy to overlook your role in the process. Here’s the hard truth: you may not be getting the best ROI for your monthly fees in IT support, and part […]

In today’s tech-dependant world, businesses heavily rely on IT companies to support their operations and drive growth. However, it’s not enough to simply hire an IT company based on their reputation or services alone. To truly maximize the benefits of IT support, it is crucial to know your IT company on a deeper level.  Here’s […]

If you’re not repeating passwords, then you won’t be vulnerable to further breaches when a hacker gets your info. But that’s easier said than done, right? As we explored above, you have a lot of different accounts—so how can you be expected not to repeat a memorable password here or there? It may be nearly […]

When was the last time you double checked your passwords and any associated policies and best practices? Afterall, they are a key line of defense in your cybersecurity posture… How Strong Do You Think Your Passwords Are?  No, that doesn’t mean, “have your passwords been hacked yet?”—those are not the same questions. While you may […]