Your employee innocently clicks a link within an email or visits a sketchy website and the next thing you know your digital assets are being held hostage by a cyber attacker. It only takes a few keystrokes to cause potentially irrevocable damage to your systems, and hackers are always looking for new victims. With ransomware, […]

Why Small Companies is the First Target for Online Hackers According to the SBA, small business employs less than 500 people and realizes less than $7 million in profits annually. This standard defines a small company across the global business world. A large percentage of these smaller businesses operate as privately owned companies. Hackers are especially […]

  Do you have a lot of data? Are you able to organize your data in a convenient logical way and then search for it with ease and/or with advanced search criteria so that the results are not in the hundreds but in the tens or less? Is managing it or finding specific data at […]

There is a lot to love about the work that you do, and hopefully, your technology is part of that. Loving your IT means having a great relationship not only with the devices, software, and applications you use each day, but with the folks who look after them.   If you’ve stopped feeling that spark […]

The auto-fill feature that makes it easy to enter in usernames and passwords on various websites may be putting your information at risk. While auto-fill is a convenient way to keep track of the many combinations of letters, numbers and special characters you need to access sites, the feature is also being used by advertisers and […]

Microsoft’s Visio Visual and Power BI are two extremely useful software tools that help business owners store, organize, and interpret data with easy-to-understand visual representations.   Using these tools can take your business to the next level. Still, many business owners don’t know about Visio Visual or Power BI. Moreover, many are skeptical as to […]

You can create a data entry form in Microsoft Excel without using VBA or even recording a macro. If those terms don’t mean anything to you, don’t worry. You won’t need to learn them. Excel has a hidden tool you can use to make dreaded data entry fast and easy. Using a data entry form […]

Do you want to have the ability to stay on top of your emails from anywhere without the need to learn a new email system? Then enjoy the convenience of using your Microsoft Office 365 email and calendar directly on your smartphone. The Microsoft Outlook app is available for both iPhone and Android devices, it […]

A major FaceTime bug discovered recently has left Apple device users skittish about yet another privacy concern and forced the tech giant to scramble for a fix for the issue. For users of Macs or iPhones, understanding the FaceTime flaw and knowing how to disable the function are important steps until the issue is fully […]

There is no better time than Jan. 28 to turn your attention to the importance of data privacy and all that it entails. During National Data Privacy Day, numerous businesses, nonprofit organizations, government entities, and individuals will come together to spread awareness about safeguarding data, protecting privacy, preventing information theft, and other issues that affect […]

Use Windows 7? Do you love your Windows 7? Will your need or desire to continue to use Windows 7 surpass this year? If so, you should be aware that in just under one year — January 14, 2020, specifically — Windows 7 Extended Support ends for most users. As such, there are things you […]

January 24th is Macintosh Computer Day. On this day we celebrate the innovation, skill and can-do spirit that shaped the future of computing. We recognize the history of Apple. Back in 1984, its creators with Steve Jobs at the helm introduced the first Macintosh computer, now known as Apple or Mac to the world would […]