Small and mid-sized companies have a tendency to operate under the assumption that hackers target only more extensive operations. There’s a simple logic to that misconception that these criminals instigate cyber breaches that reap the highest possible reward. Nothing could be further from the truth. Check out what Robert Herjavec and Scott Schober have to […]

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have issued a vital ransomware alert for the SamSam ransomware also known as MSIL/Samas.A. The FBI and DHS alert, issued on November 3rd, 2018 describes how hackers armed with SamSam ransomware have targeted multiple industries, including some within critical infrastructure. Those victimized by SamSam have been located predominately […]

Heads up if you’ve stayed or made reservations at a Marriott or Starwood property over the last decade. A major security issue was just announced and the scope of the problem is actually quite astonishing. Here’s what you need to know about the Marriott International data breach. What is the Marriott Data Breach? On November […]

How Marriott Got Caught In A 500-Million Person Data Breach Were You Affected? (Your Questions Answered) What Do We Need To Know About The Marriott Breach? Another big corporation got hooked. This time it was Marriott International. They just revealed that their Starwood reservations database of 500 million customers was hacked and that the personal […]

Businesses of all types and sizes today must navigate a complex matrix of vendors and partners. In many cases, there is frequent sharing of data, including sensitive and proprietary information, that could be problematic if hacked or stolen. The advent of new technologies, including the Internet of Things, automation and cloud systems, make for the […]

We all know that social media can play a significant role in marketing your product. In the world today, more people are getting hooked up to social media meaning that the market is shifting in that direction. Social media calendar is, therefore, able to help you understand your audience’s preference. As a business person, you […]

Data breaches never fail to stay at the top of news headlines, and these are news headlines that should be highly regarded if you are a business owner. According to the ID Theft Center, there were at least 1,579 breaches, which was a 44.7 percent increase from the year before. A Look at Early November 2018 […]

How do you usually shop when you need something like a gift for a friend, a new pair of shoes, or a bike for your son or daughter? Today more than ever before, Americans make a beeline for the computer or a big box store when it comes to getting through their shopping list. And […]

Look around you. Your desk lamp, your headphones, that smartphone in your hands — everything you own and use daily was created in the mind of an entrepreneur. Sure, it may be mass-produced now, but at one time, every item in existence had to be thought up, created, and marketed for the very first time. It took […]

If your business uses Microsoft 365, you know how difficult it can be to locate information amongst many different programs and applications on your computer network, your devices, and any other place you may be working from. But what if there was a way to access the information you need as quickly as you needed […]

Many users have found that Office 365 PowerPoint is much easier to use than previous iterations of Microsoft PowerPoint. This application features tools like Designer that take advantage of Microsoft’s cloud technology and machine learning techniques for processing pictures and choosing a suitable layout for an image. Designer also makes it possible to change your […]

If you are experiencing problems with your Windows 10 Pro operating system, you are not alone. Thousands of users from the US, Japan, and South Korea flooded tech message boards late this week with complaints that their legitimately purchased software was deactivating itself. What Exactly Happened? Starting on November 8, comments began to appear online […]