Amazingly, in spite of the ever-increasing need for such, there are very few law firms right now that specialize in cybersecurity.  This doesn’t deny that many law firms are more than willing to take on cybersecurity cases when the need arises; nor does it deny that some firms still consider the cybersecurity “ topic” a […]

Video collaboration, online training, and productivity are some big gains to be had with two monitors, while disadvantages include the cost, additional resources required and the potential for distractions.  Here’s how to determine if dual monitors will be effective for your business needs.   Business leaders are always looking for ways for their staff to […]

New guidelines governing the transmission, storage and use of protected data create compliance challenges for companies and contractors looking to do business with federal and state agencies. Companies wanting to continue to do business with certain federal departments and agencies have just a few months to ensure that their cybersecurity protocols are up to par. […]

As cybercrime tactics continue to adapt and overcome conventional IT security, it’s more important than ever to have powerful cybersecurity support in Albany.     Cybercrime is a common part of business these days. Even if you haven’t encountered a hacking or malware issue at your Albany business in recent years, the fact is that […]

Is your business affected by the most recent malware attack on a popular Windows software? Get the details on how to protect yourself.   It may be an IT professional’s worst nightmare: an app or piece of software that is meant to clean malware off of your computer system that actually is the delivery mechanism […]

ADVISORY: Apple Mail Is Incompatible With Microsoft Office 365 Our Microsoft Office 365 experts want to keep you informed about the latest developments in Office 365 and the Apple iOS and any other technologies you use every day. As necessary as software updates are for keeping programs effective and users safe, they can occasionally cause […]

Employees don’t mean to unwittingly release trade secrets or respond to phishing attacks, but when they do, it can be incredibly damaging to your company. Help your employees spot the warning signs and stay safe online.  Your employees are both your biggest asset and your weakest link — at least when it comes to preventing […]

Architects who embrace the full vision of augmented and virtual reality can reap significant rewards: Quick approval on complex projects, and a richer experience for their clients.   If you’ve played with virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) apps you probably went through a “Wow!” phase. Now you can use them to win over […]

Traversing the Deep and Dark Web Isn’t Just for Hackers Anymore. Understanding the nuances of cybersecurity and the Deep and Dark Web (DDW) is the best way to keep your data and organization safe. In years past, talking about the “dark web” or the “deep web” was something that wasn’t done in polite company. However, […]

More Than 50% of All Social Security Numbers in The U.S. Were Stolen.  Make Sure Yours Isn’t on The List. On Thursday, September 7, 2017, hackers stole the names and social security numbers of 143 million Americans after a massive breach of Equifax. That’s more than half of the adult population. Amazing, right? Not really—Cybercriminals […]

Nonprofit leaders are seeing how enterprise-level tech can amplify social impact. See how creative financing can make world-class tech affordable.   Non-profit organizations around the world often have a love-hate relationship with technology. Business leaders can see the value of enterprise-level software for effectively driving their organization forward, but tight budgets can make it exceptionally […]

Dropbox’s New Mobile Two-Factor Authentication Is a Step in The Right Direction—Or Is It? Cybersecurity is a massive concern in today’s world of hackers and malware—And cloud-based storage platforms are certainly not immune to attack. While two-factor authentication is prevalent in a variety of spaces, Dropbox only recently rolled out an update to their mobile […]