Overlooking Printer Security Is Costly It may not be as high-profile a part of your data network infrastructure, but printers are a viable security threat, if access and permissions are not iron-clad. This may come as a surprising wake-up call to many people, who have taken for granted that printers aren’t as security-vulnerable as other parts […]

Google Apps Create ‘iPad Only at Work’ Possibilities The constant improvement and number of Google apps is now allowing more and more of us to be able to work solely on an iPad. Workplaces may soon see significantly more open desk space many departments make the conversion to iPad-only work environments. Graphics departments, however, will […]

LinkedIn is becoming more valuable for all marketers and B2B strategists. Wherever you’re coming from, be it a marketing agency or a business owner, you can’t afford to ignore that LinkedIn is a great way to get noticed. Best of all, it’s essentially free. But you have to know how to work the SEO on […]

The subject of encryption has been one shrouded in controversy and debate since Apple took on the FBI earlier in 2016. In an effort to gain access to the data contained on a terrorist’s smartphone, the FBI wanted Apple to create a “backdoor system” that would allow them to bypass any type of encryption at […]

A look at why the Windows Journal app is getting axed over security issues. The future isn’t looking too bright for the Windows Journal application, which has been experiencing serious security issues as of late. Since this problem is causing some concern among Windows users who operate the Windows Journal app, we’re going to explain […]

A look at some of the many reasons as to why your site should be publishing on Medium. Medium has become an outstanding force when it comes to content marketing. Since some may have some confusion as to what Medium is and how it works, we’re going to provide some helpful information regarding the platform […]

There is competition among businesses in any industry, and it can be difficult to stand out among the crowd. In a competitive market, you have to provide quality services, but the problem is that many customers don’t understand the value your business provides. It doesn’t matter to your customers if you solve a problem faster […]

As a small- to medium-sized business owner, you are particularly vulnerable to the theft of key assets on several fronts. Can you identify your key assets? Key assets represent knowledge that your business has that is critical to the operation of your business. These knowledge assets, as they are called, include such things as trade […]

Did you ever think that a legitimate game app could endanger your security? Naysayers have not yet heard of the most popular game ever downloaded in United States history. The game is Pokémon Go. This is a game meant to be played on your smartphone; it melds virtual technology with the real world. It’s a […]

Postcard marketing is an effective and inexpensive way for businesses to connect with their target audiences. Because so many businesses have shifted advertising efforts to focus on internet marketing almost exclusively, people are getting less “snail” mail and are more apt to read the mail they receive, such as marketing postcards. However, there are things […]

For many business owners and IT professionals alike, backups are seen as something of a necessary evil. Something that is supposed to save you a lot of time, money and energy in the event of a disaster sure does require a lot of time, money and energy to get off the ground properly, doesn’t it? […]

Shadow IT is a description of software and hardware being used by an organization without the knowledge or approval of the IT department. While the term is a neutral one, to many it suggests a negative feeling since the IT department is unaware that other members of the company are using it. Unknown and unapproved […]