Ransomware makes many business owners shudder. This nasty little IT bug can freeze and shut you out of your entire system. It works by blackmailing those it infects by telling them to either pay money or face the consequences. Business users in Canada should take note because one alert has recently been posted by a […]

Here’s What You Need to Know About Apple’s Best iPhone to Date… As always, as soon as Apple announces the newest iPhone will be gracing consumers around the world, everyone starts getting excited, and the question of the hour becomes “when can I get my new phone?“. Pre-orders for the new devices always open up […]

Google’s New OnHub Router Aims to Make Wi-Fi Even Simpler! This week Google revealed a new Wi-Fi router intended to make connecting multiple mobile platforms in the home much easier. Known as the OnHub, this router sports a sleek cylindrical design, low price point and other features that make it desirable for any household looking […]

As Your Trusted Outsourced Business IT Solutions Team…We Keep A Keen Eye Open For All Emerging Technology Threats. PNJ Technology Partners is always keeping our eye on trends – we know that in the world of technology, nothing is stagnant. Cybercriminals are always seeking out new vulnerabilities and using new ways to compromise data. That’s why we’ve […]

Did you know that in any state across the US, the owner of a business or medical practice is most likely to be the one who’s fined when a HIPAA security breach occurs? You are responsible for protecting your documents – Are you prepared to take the blame? Get fined up to $2,000,000 per incident? […]

Running A Version of Internet Explorer Between IE7 – IE11? You’re at Risk for Malware Infection! If you’re running a supported version of Internet Explorer – from IE7 to IE11, you’re at risk for malware infection through a serious vulnerability, wherein your systems can be infected when you browse to a malware riddled website. Microsoft […]

Feeling Uncertain About Your Existing IT Provider? Don’t Be Afraid to Make a Change! When you’re relying on an outsourced IT company for the management and maintenance of your information systems, it’s vital to ensure they’re offering exactly what you need – from exceptional client service to a wide range of services that work for […]

Dangerous New Bug Proves Your Mac Isn’t as Safe as You Think Ask the average Mac user why they chose their Apple product over any other PC – chances are they’ll tell you it’s because of the security. Common thought is that Apple computers are safer because their firmware can’t be penetrated – however, that’s […]

Technology should be helping your operations to run more smoothly – when it’s causing more issues than it’s solving, something is wrong. Even with the most innovative technology on the market, it’s a struggle to meet goals when your IT partner doesn’t really value your needs. PNJ Technology Partners works to align your IT with your business […]

As technology continues to become a bigger part of our daily lives and business processes, there are an increasing amount of options on the market. PNJ Technology Partners always takes stock of what’s out there – we interact with the IT world, speak with our clients, and have our experienced team test out the best solutions available. […]

As business apps and the use of mobile devices become more of a standard in the workplace today, companies need to be aware of the inherent risks involved. Hacker-made fake apps and compromised personal mobile devices can be detrimental to the security of corporate and private information, so to keep safe, the risks need to […]

Driving a Chrysler Vehicle? Install This Patch Immediately! Chrysler is striving to turn the traditional automobile into a smart, connected device – and although it’s an innovative, exciting concept, there’s a significant downfall. Chrysler’s UConnect system, which has been installed into cars since the end of 2013, is an Internet-connected feature that controls entertainment and […]