A few months ago Heartbleed, apparently named after a James Bond villain, was a security bug that made headlines even in major, non-tech focused publications. This well-known bug was a flaw in the OpenSSL cryptography library, which is a layer of security between your computer and the servers of many major online services. Hackers were […]

Microsoft Office is changing for the better. It has been revolutionized and helps you create the best looking documents, spreadsheets, presentations and advertisements for your business. Microsoft is stepping up and has gone above and beyond your expectations. Here are some tips for using your best office buddy: Modern Designs Take your old, outdated themed […]

Sometimes surfing the web is more like clinging to a piece of driftwood over shark-infested waters than it is relaxing on a boogie board off some warm island paradise. Every single day 20,000 to 30,000 new malicious URLs pop up, and some of those are taking over sites that were once safe. Here are 5 […]

Microsoft Excel is a tool most of us use but few of us truly understand. From client lists to call sheets, purchase orders to audits, almost every business person has some use for the data management tool that is Excel. Here are six basic tips that can help you get around Excel with greater efficiency […]

There is nothing more frustrating than being pressed for time and your printer jams. Of course, it always happens when you have a very important deadline looming. Murphy’s Law is cruel, after all. You run over to the printer, clear out the jammed paper, and think you are in the clear. Wait, nothing is coming […]

Did you say free? That’s always a word that’s worth looking into if it comes from someone you trust. Keeping up with the news or articles online can be pretty challenging these days, especially if you want a balanced approach by reading from multiple sources. Creating bookmarks or sending yourself an email with the subject […]

Do you know how many users are tapped into your wireless network right now? How about when you’re not around? The fact is that many small business owners have no idea who is accessing what on their wireless network, and they’d be shocked to find out just how many people are leeching their bandwidth away. […]

We all have that one person on our friends-list. You know who I’m talking about – that person who posts everything including the kitchen sink to their Facebook page. Pictures of what they have for dinner and check-ins at the corner store. But they ARE your friend, and you don’t want to hurt their feelings. […]

Passwords – the necessary evil in the information technology world. If you have one that is simple, it will be easy to crack and just doesn’t seem safe. If you have one that’s safe and complex, you’ll never remember it. It’s a frustrating conundrum for everyone. As your team of trusted IT professionals in Albany, […]

Technology systems don’t last forever. No matter how good a computer or a server is, it will need to be fixed or replaced at some point down the road. Unfortunately that’s lead to some business owners treating their information technology like disposable razors: whoops, this one’s dull – better go buy a new one. If […]

Facebook continues to add new features and services at an alarming rate, many times without even telling you what they are or what they do. Have you been jaded by a new Facebook feature that exposed your personal life to the Internet? Many of us have been without our knowledge – that’s the way Facebook […]

The latest version of Microsoft Excel is a great addition to any office as it is now more efficient, functional and intuitive than ever before.  Excel’s table tools make it easy to link charts and cells, perform searches, and create dynamically updated reports. In this sense, it functions somewhat like a relational database. A relational […]