December 7th, 2018, is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It marks the 78th year since the tremendous military disaster that brought America into World War II. It’s a time for somber reflection and to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in that tragedy, those who survived to go on to fight another day in […]

ECommerce platforms are one of the fastest growing trends in business. They allow you to create an online presence where you can display your products, interact with the consumer, handle transactions, and finalize sales all on one convenient platform. You don’t have to maintain a storefront or purchase a building. You simply set up your virtual […]

In late 2018, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a stark warning about a massive data breach at a Marriott chain that exposed the records of 500 million people. The latest major corporate breach reinforces the need for companies to invest in multilayered security protocols that protect networks, devices and users. What Happened at Marriott? […]

SamSam Ransomware is becoming a massive problem for multiple industries across the United States. In fact, the problem is so big that The Department of Homeland Security, (DHS), National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, (NCCIC), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI), have all recently issued a US-CERT alert due to the SamSam ransomware. Like other types […]

In order to become a successful business, it has become increasingly crucial to maximize online content for current and potential customers and clients. One way to do this is with video. Unfortunately, many business owners and marketing managers stay away from video because they think it’s too difficult to create a polished commercial, a useful […]

Windows users need their computers to do many different things. While the operating system has lots of built-in functionality, sometimes it can’t do everything it needs to. Fortunately, there are thousands of utility programs designed to simplify tasks and make work easier to manage. Whether you’re a programmer, artist, music fan, system administrator or computer […]

For most companies that have an IT department, the decisions that revolve around technology, including the devices and the platforms/programs that are used, fall squarely on their shoulders. IT professionals do the research and, in most cases, choose the technology (devices, platforms, etc.) that best suit the needs of the company. The problem is that while […]

Small and mid-sized companies have a tendency to operate under the assumption that hackers target only more extensive operations. There’s a simple logic to that misconception that these criminals instigate cyber breaches that reap the highest possible reward. Nothing could be further from the truth. Check out what Robert Herjavec and Scott Schober have to […]

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have issued a vital ransomware alert for the SamSam ransomware also known as MSIL/Samas.A. The FBI and DHS alert, issued on November 3rd, 2018 describes how hackers armed with SamSam ransomware have targeted multiple industries, including some within critical infrastructure. Those victimized by SamSam have been located predominately […]

Heads up if you’ve stayed or made reservations at a Marriott or Starwood property over the last decade. A major security issue was just announced and the scope of the problem is actually quite astonishing. Here’s what you need to know about the Marriott International data breach. What is the Marriott Data Breach? On November […]

How Marriott Got Caught In A 500-Million Person Data Breach Were You Affected? (Your Questions Answered) What Do We Need To Know About The Marriott Breach? Another big corporation got hooked. This time it was Marriott International. They just revealed that their Starwood reservations database of 500 million customers was hacked and that the personal […]

Guide To Ensure Your Cloud Data Is Properly Backed Up Cloud storage is a relatively new technology that provides access to data on multiple devices any time and anywhere. Many businesses turning to cloud storage to boost the productivity of their employees. While cloud storage is both convenient and secure, it is not infallible. Therefore, […]

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