Small Business Guide To Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop The business world is becoming increasingly digital. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, many companies have moved into work-from-home situations, which has made remote and hybrid working environments more desirable and commonplace for workers across the country. The modern workforce is more flexible and mobile than ever, and […]

Cardiologist Turns Hacker – Moises Luis Zagala Gonzalez Moises Luis Zagala Gonzalez, a cardiologist in Venezuela, is the alleged creator behind the Jigsaw v.2 and Thanos ransomware strains. If true, this would make him one of the most prolific cyber criminals in recent history. These ransomware strains have caused immense damage, with Jigsaw v.2 encrypting […]

6 Timely Tips To Help Businesses Avoid Phishing Emails Phishing emails are a common way for cybercriminals to steal important data from businesses and individuals. This article will discuss what phishing is, how to identify a phishing email, and how to protect your business data from being stolen. We will also provide tips for avoiding […]

157-Year-Old Lincoln College Succumbed To A Ransomware Attack On May 13th, 2022, a college that has remained open through two world wars, the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, and the Great Depression will close its doors. The college has been struggling to stay afloat in recent years, and the coronavirus pandemic and a recent ransomware attack […]

Zero Trust Networks: What Are They? The internet has brought a world of opportunity for businesses. It is easy for companies to reach out to consumers and offer them products or services without a physical storefront. However, this also opens businesses up to the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks. Cyber attacks can be […]

Can Ransomware Spread Through WiFi? Ransomware has been a menace to businesses large and small for years, and the problem is only getting worse. One of the most insidious aspects of ransomware is its ability to spread through wifi networks, infecting multiple computers and devices. This can cause severe disruptions to business operations, as employees […]

Network Equipment Shortages The current state of microchips for network equipment is difficult at best, depending on a supply chain that can cross over 70 international borders and 31,000 miles before reaching its end destination, with processes in Texas, Michigan, Malaysia, Germany, and China before landing at the port in California for distribution. The many […]

Slack vs. Microsoft Teams Chat-based collaboration has been around for several years, but with the sudden impact at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Slack and Microsoft Teams both quickly rose to the forefront. But which one is better for your business? Whichever option you choose, you’re still the winner, because two great collaboration platforms […]

Do Microsoft Teams Attacks Prove Need for Innovative Cybersecurity Awareness Training? Although hackers select email as their preferred delivery method upwards of 92 percent of the time, a recent Microsoft Teams exploitation emerged as a significant threat. Do these stunning Trojan attacks on businesses require a rethinking of cybersecurity awareness training? With more than 270 […]

Updates To Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Office 365 Are you a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscriber? Then, you’ll have access to the latest security patches, bug fixes, and software features. However, it might be challenging to monitor the changes in every update and know when to expect them. Here is information about the most recent […]

What Is Google Assistant? Have you ever told a friend or coworker: “I could really use a personal assistant!” Or perhaps muttered the same words under your breath while tackling a particularly prickly list of to-dos? If so, your next line (thought silently, regretfully) was probably: “Like I could ever have my own assistant …” […]

Improve Network Performance With Your iPhone In today’s remote working world, many people are exploring the world. However, bad signal and hotspot coverage are two of the most frustrating issues you’ll face. Here are a few ways to improve coverage and the reliability of your hotspot, so that you can get more work done on […]

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